The Services are covered by this SLA which provides your sole and exclusive remedies for issues related to delivery of affected Services. We agree to provide the remedies and credits set out in the SLA, and you agree to look to it only for covered issues. Our network is designed to minimise the chances of disruption caused by the failure of one or more components. We can therefore provide you a guarantee that your service will operate without interruption due to any factor under our control for at least 99.9% of the time, and that should such an interruption occur, we will credit you the full amount due as detailed below.
In the event that the services you have purchased do not function in accordance with their Service Description, you will be credited as set out below.
To claim a credit, the customer must claim within 14 days of the outage in order to be eligible. The customer must pay all open invoices even with an outage claim outstanding. Account credits will not be given to the customer until they have followed the instructions above in regards to claiming your credit.
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